Rhiwbina residents save up to install life-saving defibrillator


In light of strain being placed on the ambulance services in Cardiff, the residents of Waunfawr Road, Rhiwbina and parents from Year 1, Ton Yr Ywen Primary School, have raised over £1,300 to purchase a public access defibrillator that has been placed for anyone to use, 24 hours a day at the junction between Caerphilly Road and Maes-y-Coed Road. The junction is a very busy one and it is hoped that it will be seen by as many people as possible.

Sarah, a resident of Waunfawr Road, told Rhiwbina Living:

“Having recently lost a colleague to a heart attack, who had an extended wait for an ambulance, I wanted to help do what I could to give anyone needing a defibrillator in the area the best chance of survival with early intervention.”

The device gives a high energy electric shock to the heart of someone who is in cardiac arrest. Survival rates for out-of-hospital cardiac arrests are poor, often less than 10%. It is hoped that the defibrillator can help improve those statistics.

The defibrillator was installed just before Christmas, and saw many small businesses donate to the project.
Waunfawr Road resident Andy, who also donated £250 (the largest single donation) from his business Heath Tyres, said:

“Living and working in the area, I felt that it was important to support this project. A defibrillator could save a life one day and that’s priceless. Since Covid, we have developed a strong, caring attitude in our neighbourhood and long may it continue. The residents of Waunfawr Road have a philosophy of being caring and helpful, and we were only too happy to support this.”

Chris Saltmarshe, outside whose shop the defibrillator has been installed said:

“We have no hesitation in allowing this valuable asset to the neighbourhood at our premises. Even if it only saves one life, it is still one life and a family that is saved from grief.”

Even the local electrician got involved. Dan from ForEverythingElectrical said:

“When I heard the plea for a last minute electrician, I immediately made space in a very busy week to get this life-saving bit of equipment installed and fitted before Christmas. We are always keen to help out the community where possible.”




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