Cardiff Met’s Llandaff campus has been at the heart of the local community since ground was first broken on site in 1952. Guests and stakeholders including local councillors, Llandaff business owners and local police, joined the lunch to celebrate 150 years of heritage since the original Cardiff School of Art was established in 1865 in the Old Free Library.
Chair of Governors Barbara Wilding welcomed guests, who were served and catered for by the University’s first year hospitality students. She spoke about the importance of the University’s valuable history, the University’s student-centered focus and the excellent reputation for student satisfaction. She also highlighted the importance of the Llandaff community to Cardiff Met and the ways in which the University links with local stakeholders.
Dr John Marsden, President of Llandaff Rotary Club, later presented Vice Chancellor and Principal Professor Antony J Chapman, with a bound copy of his thesis from 1978, which explained the origins of the University. He thanked the University and its ‘kind and helpful’ students, who he views as crucial to the local community.