Wonderful memories of summers past


The article in Whitchurch & Llandaff Living (Aug/Sep 2022) featuring the history of Campbells’ steamers brought back memories for me. I crossed the Bristol Channel between Cardiff and Weston-super-Mare many times as a passenger in the 1950s/60s.

Coming into Cardiff on the Bristol Queen one summer’s evening in about 1960, a tannoy announcement told passengers that we’d be docking an hour late as the tide wasn’t yet high enough.

Everyone rushed to the safety rail to look down at the water, causing the Bristol Queen to list badly on that side.

The tannoy came to life again:

“Ladies and gentlemen, please go to the bar in the middle for an hour so the ship can stay upright.”
Nearly everyone followed the suggestion and a very jolly time was had by all!

Mike Kellett

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