Read Rhiwbina Living Autumn issue online


Welcome to your Autumn issue of Rhiwbina Living.

As the village settles down after a long and much appreciated summer, it is time to light the fires and enjoy the feeling of hygge that this season brings.

Our magazines are all about embracing the seasons and we have put together an issue that celebrates both the beauty of the outdoors and the cosiness of the indoors.

We have features on how to feel cosy in the cold, some delicious hotpot recipes and insights into what makes Autumn special through the eyes of Rhiwbina’s children. Autumn is a time when we make the most of our homes, so we went around the village and handpicked some of the finest homewares and goodies to make your home extra inviting.

Being outside and witnessing the beauty of our changing village is a sight to behold, but with the changing of the season, comes a flurry of activity from nature. We have put together an informative guide on some of the species around Rhiwbina. Kevin Revell returns to give his advice on how to keep our gardens looking beautiful and full of colour through Autumn.

Our interviews are focused around sport this issue and we enjoyed speaking to two of Rhiwbina’s sporting heroes. Alan Wilkins, who has recently returned to Cardiff from the Far East is a former Glamorgan cricketer who built a broadcasting career that earned him many awards and plaudits, and Elliot Kear is a former Rhiwbina Squirrel who has recently been promoted to captain of the Wales rugby league team.

Rhiwbina Living is a truly organic community magazine has always been about celebrating what is special about Rhiwbina and the local area and we were so honoured that two of our residents shared their historical stories of Rhiwbina Recreation Club and the Tynant Quarry.

Further contributions from residents have been compiled to mark the recent 70th Birthday of the NHS, when we asked four Rhiwbina residents what the NHS means to them.
So, grab your mug of tea or steaming hot chocolate and sit back and enjoy a good read as Rhiwbina nestles into Autumn.

Meanwhile, we’ve got our Christmas issue to get ready. See you at the end of November!




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