Emotional scenes as families reunited at Tŷ Llandaff

Ty Llandaff Cardiff

Residents at a Cardiff care home are being reunited with their loved ones for the first time in more than five months thanks to a newly-designed ‘Covid-proof’ family visitors’ area.

Staff at Tŷ Llandaff, an ‘all-inclusive’, residential, nursing, palliative and respite care home in Conway Road, Pontcanna, welcomed back visitors in emotional scenes at the home this week.

Special visits in a ‘Family Visitor Pod’ inside the home has been designed to defy the pandemic and allow its residents to have face-to-face contact with their families. The ground floor Library Room has been converted to dual accessible area with a large vinyl screen and partition.

Tŷ Llandaff has remained free of Covid-19 for the duration the crisis of the pandemic and there are strict infection control guidelines are being followed including use of PPE by staff. All visitors are required to wear face coverings and have to have their temperature taken on arrival.

Tŷ Llandaff was one of the first care homes in Cardiff to close its doors on March 13 because of the coronavirus outbreak before the national lockdown was introduced 10 days later. The home did so in order to create a ‘cocooning environment’ for its residents and keep those in their care safe.

Tŷ Llandaff Family Liaison Officer Paul James said:

“Residents and families who used the Family Visitor Pod this week really enjoyed the visits. There have been tears of joy and lots of laughs as some close relatives have not seen their loved ones for months and months. Many of the relatives and residents have complimented us on the Pod itself saying it’s a great addition, a lovely comfortable area and super that it is indoors and out of the rain or hot sun.”

Tŷ Llandaff service manager Lisa Cristina said:

“All the staff at Tŷ Llandaff have worked extremely hard to keep our residents safe and that is why we are so pleased to commence visits again in our Family Visitor Pod.

“We’ve been keeping things as normal as possible at Tŷ Llandaff and keeping our residents busy but we know the importance of family connection. Naturally, residents have missed their loved ones and it has given them somuch joy to see family members in person after so long without seeing each other.”

For more information about Tŷ Llandaff call Lisa on 02920 600 100, email info@ tyllandaffcare.com or visit www.tyllandaffcare.com

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