On their way to £100k for Hobbsy


A presentation was held in Caedelyn Park on a Sunday morning in May to mark a special occasion for all those involved with Rhiwbina RFC’s 100KForHobbsy campaign.

Among the hundreds of children of all ages playing and having fun was the man himself, who was there to present cheques to three of the charities who will benefit from everyone’s amazing efforts – inspired by the club’s love and respect for Dave Hobbs.

Rose Leigh of Cardiff Mind was there to receive a cheque for £29,214.63.

Rose said:

“We’ll use this incredible amount of money to promote the importance of men’s mental health through our initiative called It Takes Balls to Talk – suicide kills more men under 40 than any other cause of death, so you can see how this donation means so much to us’.”

Catryn Grundy of School of Hard Knocks received a cheque for £18,890 and said:

“We couldn’t be more grateful for your support. You’re all amazing! Diolch o galon!”

Liz Andrews, Chief Executive of City Hospice and her colleagues Daisy and Neil received a cheque for £11,848.62. Liz said:

“This money will help us to provide vital nursing care to support people in their own homes. To many of our clients who have no one to support them, this home care is a lifeline.”

Members of Rhiwbina RFC have been fundraising for Headway Cardiff throughout May and would appreciate any help, support and donations which will get them to their target of 100K For Hobbsy!

Please use this link to donate:


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