Car parking catastrophe


How sad it is to see such an intrinsic part of the character and heritage of Rhiwbina being rapidly and comprehensively destroyed before our eyes on a daily basis.

I refer to the many grass verges which are (or were) both a stunning visual aspect of Rhiwbina, as well as a haven for the local ecosystem.

The verges are rapidly being churned up and wrecked, along with the destruction of the thousands of daffodil bulbs which Rhiwbina community residents so enthusiastically planted – in those same grass verges to further enhance our local, aesthetic and natural environment .

A combination of deliberate car parking by residents and visitors, as well as numerous contractors with delivery and construction, drivers of heavy vehicles now consider the grass verges to be an integral part of the highway on which to drive and park.

On many Rhiwbina roads, it is now impossible to walk along the pavements, let alone traverse with wheelchairs or pushchairs, without stepping into the roadway. It is thus creating serious safety risks and hazards for young and old alike, as well as the visually impaired and disabled. Likewise, stepping onto any grass verge in Rhiwbina is now more like walking through ploughed fields.

Local representatives are either disinterested or ineffectual in the matter. Some residents have taken to installing rocks or canes into the verges in a desperate attempt to deter the vehicle trespassers; but this valiant and commendable effort should not be necessary and in itself does nothing to enhance our visual enjoyment, or to improve safety.

So why don’t we all take action in the matter before it becomes too late and a key aspect of the Rhiwbina character is irrevocably destroyed on our watch? Let’s each individually and collectively take ‘pride in our locality’ and stop parking on our pavements and the grass verges? Simultaneously, why not take ownership and instruct our own contractors to respect our natural environment.

We will be here long after they have finished their (our) projects, but by then, we will not have a roadscape to enjoy if we don’t take responsibly and act now.

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