Llandaff Pound celebrates first year of activities and innovation


Llandaff Pound has celebrated its first year of supporting individuals and groups from the local community.

The innovative Centre for Older People, run by Llandaff 50+ volunteers, now hosts popular activities such as Tai Chi, talks and art. A recent survey of users of The Pound has shown that 76% were very positive about the benefits of The Pound to themselves and the community, and 24% were positive.

The development of The Pound has coincided with the development of Cardiff as an Age Friendly City. The number of citizens in Cardiff aged 65-84 is set to rise by 44% during the next 20 years. The number over 85 is expected to double.

‘The World Health Organisation Global Network of Age Friendly Cities’ was established in 2010 with the common vision of ‘making their community a great place to grow older’. Cardiff is now a member and Cardiff Council will shortly be publishing its first-year annual report that will be publicly available. It will feature much of the progress at The Pound that has been made in the first year.

Nicola Pitman from Cardiff Council said:

“The Pound is a great example of age-friendly good practice and I am very grateful to the members that have given us support during our Caring for Carers consultation by distributing our newsletters and attending events. It is so fantastic to see the work that is going on at The Pound to help older people stay active, get support from each other, and stay so connected to the local Community.”

Llandaff 50+ was first formed in 2008 and has gone from strength to strength over the following fifteen years. When the opportunity arose from Cardiff Council to convert a derelict toilet block next to a medieval castle in the very centre of the village, Llandaff 50+ couldn’t refuse it.

Planning and fundraising began in 2016 and with the support of Downs Merrifield Architect and A&N Lewis builders, work on the building began in February 2020 – the same month as the pandemic hit the UK.

The builders toiled through a very difficult time until the building was ready to use and, once social-distancing rules allowed, it opened with a flourish on 23rd June 2022.

Following a successful first year, Llandaff 50+ is now looking to start up more activity groups at The Pound. It is hoped that a Craft Group will begin in the autumn and possibly a Music Group, as well as a group about Welsh Culture and conversation. These groups will also be run by volunteers, so everyone interested in taking part is asked to contact Llandaff 50+ for a chat.

The Pound initiative is now very much putting Llandaff on the map, and their doors are always welcome for more volunteers.

Contact info@llandaff50plus.com to find out more about this innovative project.




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