How to make the perfect Victoria Sponge


Soft, fluffy sponge that melts in your mouth. Cool, velvety whipped cream and a tangy filling to take the edge off the sweetness. You could almost be back at your granny’s on a Sunday afternoon. One of the most popular cakes we sell in the coffee shop, it’s also really simple to make and it’ll taste miles better than anything you get in the supermarket.

  • 3 medium eggs lightly beaten (each weighing around 60g each)
  • 175gm/6oz softened butter
  • 175gm/6oz golden caster sugar
  • 1 tablespoon milk
  • 175gm/6oz plain flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder

• Preheat your oven to 160 fan/ 180 conventional / gas 4. Butter the inside of two 7” / 18cm sandwich tins, and then line the base with circles of baking parchment.

• Sift the flour and baking powder together and set aside.

• Cream the butter and sugar together until it’s pale and fluffy. It’ll take a while and even if you’re using a stand mixer, this could take five minutes or more. But don’t worry as you can’t overbeat the mix at this stage.

• Add the milk to the eggs, and then gradually, while still beating, add the egg and milk to the butter and sugar mix little by little. If the mix starts to curdle (look like scrambled eggs), then add a tablespoon of the flour, and it should come back together.

• Once the egg has been incorporated, add the sifted flour and gently mix this in.

• Divide the mixture equally between the two tins, and then gently smooth the surface level.

• Bake in the centre of the oven for about 25 minutes (start checking after 22). When cooked, the sponges should be risen, golden and if you press the top of them lightly with your finger, they should spring back.

• Remove from the oven and allow to cool for 10 minutes. Then, gently run a knife around the inside of the tin, and carefully turn the cakes out onto a wire rack to cool completely.

• That’s the easy part. The hard part is choosing what filling to use. Traditionally, Queen Victoria insisted on Raspberry Jam and Cream. We really love Blueberry and Cream at Sweet. I find that as long as you use a really good quality fruity jam or curd, and some double cream (about 200ml), whipped with a little icing sugar, you can’t go far wrong.

• Then finish by dusting with a little caster sugar.

Serves 8

Sue is co-owner of Sweet Café and Bakery, situated on Merthyr Road in Whitchurch.

For more information about their wonderful shop, visit




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