Recycling trial for Llandaff residents


Residents living in Llandaff will be asked to separate out their recycling as part of a trial that starts in the New Year.

Homeowners will be asked to sort out their glass, plastic, and paper as part of a pilot project that will also take place in Radyr, Pentwyn and Cowbridge. Until now, all recycling items go into the same green recycling bags. The pilot scheme will last for six months before Cardiff Council decide whether to roll the changes out across the whole city.

Cardiff’s recycling rates are currently the worst in Wales, and Cardiff Council is keen to bring the rates into line with other major UK cities. 55.8% of household waste in Cardiff was recycled last year compared to an average across Wales of 65.4%

Residents in the trial will receive a blue reusable sack for paper and card, a red reusable sack for metals and plastic, and a blue caddy for bottles and jars. The Council is intending to write to every home taking place in the trial in early December. Leaflets are also expected to be distributed in January to explain the scheme.

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