Open Doors Llandaff 2018

Bishops Castle

September is here and volunteers throughout Llandaff are beginning preparations for Cadw’s Open Doors 2018.

Once again, buildings throughout our village city will open their doors, free of charge, to visitors from near and far.

The BBC will be offering its popular tours of Broadcasting House in what could be the last year as part of Llandaff Open Doors. And if you haven’t climbed the Bell Tower in the Cathedral, make sure you ‘book early’ or you may miss out.

It’s always good to see that Llandaff’s schools join the event with tours of Howell’s School and the Cathedral School, and a lovely morning of entertainment from the children of Llandaff City School.

Cardiff Metropolitan University’s students will be exhibiting the work of the School of Art and Design, as well as running a fascinating guided tour of the University buildings.

And the older members of our community in Llandaff 50+ will be offering guided tours of the Bishop’s Castle and explaining the plans for The Pound, the Centre for older people and heritage information in the old Cattle Pound. Will it be ready for next year’s Open Doors, we wonder?

And once again, Llandaff Society will be providing a guided tour through the Medieval village. Last year we had a crowd of forty, all eager to hear the tales of our lovely city within a city.
More events are being added each week, so keep an eye on the Llandaff and Cadw websites – and mark it in your diary: 10th-23rd September 2018 Llandaff Open Doors.

Linda Quinn, Chair, Llandaff Open Doors

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