Physical education (PE) at Llanishen Fach Primary School is so much more than a hasty session squeezed in between classroom based lessons.
Come rain or shine, and recently there has been a lot of the former, our determination to promote and build the physical and mental health of our pupils has never faltered. We recognise that not all our pupils are focused on competitive glory, least not until they find their passion, that’s why we have developed a wide breadth of activities with something for everyone. By focussing on engagement through enjoyment, building physical confidence and skills, all our children discover they can take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing, both now and in the future.

The PE sessions are led by one of our specialist teachers, Mrs Max Carter who swam for Wales in the Commonwealth Games. Mrs Carter devises her sessions to foster preparedness, perseverance, resilience, and support and empathy. Children take responsibility for dressing appropriately for both the activity and the weather, hot, cold or wet. We all have activities we enjoy more than others; Mrs Carter acknowledges this and encourages pupils to continuing even if, “I am not very good at it…”. Improving at any physical discipline takes perseverance and a supportive environment surrounded by caring and encouraging friends.

Activities covered in PE, as part of our outdoor learning programme, fall into two areas. Firstly, the children work on generic skills, vital to improving performance. Gaining an understanding of the need for cooperation in a team and an appreciation that teamwork improves everyone’s enjoyment and success. As is the need to enjoy and be inspired to take part in physical activities, now and in the future as part of a healthy and happy lifestyle.

Secondly, our pupils compete both individually and in team sports. Some of the individual activities our pupils’ practise are orienteering, gymnastics and parkour. Each of these stretch our pupils in different ways and ensure they gain skills and develop good physicality. Team games within lessons include various ball games: jump ball, throw tennis, netball, basketball, cricket, baseball and tennis.

Opportunities to participate in team sports are extended further through afterschool clubs and competitive games against other local schools which include rugby, hockey and football. Finally, gaining cycling skills as a ‘skill for life’ takes in all our pupils, from the very youngest thanks to an initiative sponsored by Welsh Government and Cardiff Council.
Words by Mark Barrett