Let’s look out for hedgehogs


A little while ago, you published an article in Rhiwbina Living about hedgehogs, encouraging residents to make ‘highways’ to enable these endangered little creatures to move between gardens safely.

I have been feeding hedgehogs for a few years; we have a little shelter in our front garden where I provide food and water for them every night, and we now have a couple living in our back garden.

I’m writing because it has dismayed me to see several hedgehogs have been sadly killed by vehicles, mostly on Heol y Deri – six so far this summer. Would it be possible for Rhiwbina residents to come together and have some sort of signs erected on our main roads, asking drivers to be aware of hedgehogs at night on the roads?

As they are nocturnal and very small, it can be difficult to spot them. I travel through Rhiwbina in the early hours often and I am sure that if people were made aware that our roads are hedgehog highways too, then they might be more vigilant.

It is quite easy to see them if you know that they are around and I have done exactly that – stopped a few times for them and even carried one across the road to safety.

Thank you.

Ifanna Davies

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