Councillor Eleanor Sanders: Independent Councillor for Rhiwbina

Eleanor Sanders Rhiwbina

It’s incredible to see that 2016 is going so quickly. As I reflect back on this past year so far, I am also taken back to 2012 when I was first elected to represent Rhiwbina as an Independent Councillor on Cardiff Council.

I have continued as your Independent Councillor since then with these past 4+ years having been some of the best I’ve ever had. It has been a privilege to help and support so many of you with a variety of issues, suggestions or just friendly conversations. I’ve got to know so many of you, particularly now I have taken up running around Rhiwbina saying good morning to many of you as I run past. Sorry that’s all the words I can get out as I’m usually a bit short of puff! It has also been such a privilege to either organise or attend so many events across the ward.

I also remember how we took the council on, challenging the potential closure of our library and turned that decision around. Who could forget that public meeting I chaired with over 350 in the building and many hundreds outside. A community truly coming together.

Since then many groups have started in the library showing how essential this council provision remains. I really enjoyed joining in with the singsong run by Goldies Cymru a couple of months ago. It’s held on the third Wednesday of each month 10.30 in the library. Glad to know we don’t have to ‘shhhh’ anymore.

One of the highlights each year is when I bring together the organising committee for the summer and winter Rhiwbina festivals. Both festivals have grown year on year and I want to say a huge thank you to so many who give of their time voluntarily to make sure we have an amazing time. This last summer saw us expand into Parc y Pentre with our very first ‘street theatre’ production and land train. Please get in touch if you want to come and help us plan for the winter festival on Saturday 3rd December.

The Local Council elections take place again in May next year. I’d be honoured to again be your Independent Councillor representing your views, thoughts and ideas to the council, helping and supporting you again with individual issues that need resolving as well as meeting you in all the various settings across the ward. My intention always, as completely independent, is to support the community where I live in whatever way I can.

Look out for my article in the next edition of Rhiwbina Living where I’ll tell you about all the things I’ve been up to across the city as well as ways you could help me be re-elected should you wish to help.

As your Local Councillor if I can help in anyway please contact me on 07802225425 or

Twitter: @IndependentRhi1

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