A new resource for Cathedral School and the Llandaff community

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Work is underway to rebuild the Memorial Hall in Llandaff in a £2.2m investment project by the Cathedral School.

Following the acquisition of the building and consultation with the local community, the Cathedral School is in the process of rebuilding a multi-purpose hall for its younger pupils and also to share with the local community on a not-for-profit basis.

The new Memorial Hall will be used during the school day as a dining space, gym and performance/assembly hall by the Cathedral School. Outside of school hours, it will be available as a venue for clubs and meetings, such as birthday parties and wedding receptions, Stay and Play and for local dance/theatre groups.

With a capacity of 150 seats, theatre style, bookings for the facility will be managed by the Cathedral School Finance Office.

Memorial Hall
An artist’s impression of the new Memorial Hall

Work began on site just before Christmas. The total development time is expected to be 44 weeks.

Headmaster, Mr Stephen Morris said: “The Cathedral School is very pleased to be able to restore the Memorial Hall to its original use, a resource for the local community.

“The new Memorial Hall will keep its name, something the school feels very strongly about.  Given to commemorate the sacrifices during World War II, a suitable memorial stone will be placed in the building upon completion.

“We very much hope that once opened in September, the new building will provide a fantastic resource for both the school and the local community.”

The building work will complete the extensive development programme the school has undertaken in recent years, including the renovation and extension of The Lodge, the Sixth Form Centre, Pavilion and Woodard Building, a new classroom provision for Senior pupils.

The new Memorial Hall is scheduled to open in September 2016.

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